The vision server uses a simple format so that clients for languages that are unable to interface with C can be easily developed. In addition, telnet can be used to connect directly to the vision server to test it and to "override" commands from a bad control program. The vision server listens to port 57718 by default. The vision server expects a message of the form: getObjectId\n Where ObjectId is a character label used in the vision server. For example "getOrange" would get information pertaining to the object called "Orange" The return value differs depending on the type of object for which information was requested. A good request will return one of the following: If the object is a circle: x y width height Where: x is an integer representing the center of the objects x coordinate in the frame y is an integer representing the center of the objects y coordinate in the frame width is an integer representing the center of the objects radius in pixels height is an integer representing the center of the objects radius in pixels If the object is a line: x1 y1 x2 y2 Where: x1 is an integer representing the initial x coordinate of the line y1 is an integer representing the initial y coordinate of the line x2 is an integer representing the final x coordinate of the line y2 is an integer representing the final y coordinate of the line If the object is a rectangle: x y width height Where: x is an integer representing the center of the objects x coordinate in the frame y is an integer representing the center of the objects y coordinate in the frame width is an integer representing the center of the objects radius in pixels height is an integer representing the center of the objects radius in pixels If the object it text: name Where: name is the text label of the object If information was requested for an object that doesn't exist, the server will respond with: Invalid Object\n\r\0 If the message format is incorrect, the server will respond with: Invalid Command\n\r\0