Class Information

CSE 132 introduces students to fundamental concepts in the basic operation of computers, from microprocessors to servers, and explores the universal similarities between all modern computing problems: how do we represent data? How do we communicate with other computers? How do processors "think"?

We study inputs, outputs, and sensing; information representation; basic computer architecture and machine language; time-critical computation; intermachine communication; and protocol design.

Students use both desktop systems and hand-held (Arduino-compatible) micro-controllers to design and implement solutions to problems. They also participate in active-learning sessions where they work with professors and their peers to solve problems collaboratively.

Prerequisite: CSE 131 or equivalent.


This is a Lecture-less class, please watch videos and attend studio to keep up with the curriculum

Lab locations are in your schedule.

Come to the lab for which you are registered, but we may move you to a different section (at the same time) to better handle the load.


The class textbook is free.

Assignments require a desktop computer (available in lab) and the purchase of a separate Arduino kit ($90). You can purchase the kits at the bookstore on campus.